Write Product Description Or Review Article For Affiliates

Delivery Time: 30 days
Service Includes: Multiple Revisions
Do you want to populate Google/Bing search results with positive news headlines/items when people search for your personal name or business name?
In the process it is extremely possible that some negative or fake news items to be pushed down or replaced by the new posts
We can also focus on populating a name or brand search with new positive news items plus your own social media accounts , positive articles you may have on 3rd party websites and many other type of online items
How it works:
1. You give us the target name or brand search phrase
2. We write around 1500 words worth of content from which we create 500 words slightly different news press versions, very important if we want to populate search results
3. We use various titles to describe the good things related to your name, achievements, brand, products, etc
4. We achieve 100 published posts , 1 post on 100 different blogs.
The delivery report will contain exact locations of this posts. Blog posts are permanent and links inside dofollow. We can also SEO boost your business website with this gig.
Please read the FAQ bellow, some important details can be found there, no room in gig description 1200 chars max.



Overall, Samreen always does a great job. For this last order, I just noticed some lack of attention to details, but that were quickly corrected after I pointed that out. She listens to my feedbacks and does the corrections as asked.

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