Setup Tiktok Pixel And Tiktok Event Api With Gtm

Delivery Time: 3 days
Service Includes: No Revisions
Setup Tiktok Pixel And Tiktok Event Api With Gtm Setup Tiktok Pixel And Tiktok Event Api With Gtm Setup Tiktok Pixel And Tiktok Event Api With Gtm

Building impactful brands through excellence and efficiency.

  • Facebook & instagram ads is the holy grails of digital marketing for any e-commerce business that wants to scale and grow online in 2022 and beyond. But, scaling your Facebook Ads comes with countless challenges especially after the IOS14 updates.
  • I am Mahar Shahid, a Facebook & Instagram ads campaign expert. I have been creating Facebook and Instagram ads campaigns for the last 3 years and would love to offer my services to you.

Services I will provide:

  1. I will manage your ads professionally.
  2. AB testing for ads sets and creatives
  3. Run facebook ads + Instagram ads Campaign.
  4. Research audience + ad copy + video & Image design
  5. Management & Optimization
  6. Targeted, Custom & lookalike Audiences
  7. IOS 14 Effect Solution (Domain Verification)
  8. Pixel Setup & Tracking
  9. Analytics and Reports

I can set-up & manage the following ads Campaigns

  1. Brand awareness
  2. Traffic
  3. Engagement
  4. Conversion
  5. Catalog sales
  6. Lead Generation

Why me?

  • On-time delivery
  • Fast Delivery in 24 Hours
  • 5 Years of Experience

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