Provide You With Beautifully Illustrated Images

Delivery Time: 4 days
Service Includes: Multiple Revisions
Provide You With Beautifully Illustrated Images Provide You With Beautifully Illustrated Images

With all the available packages, you will be getting the same quality of service:

  • Initial consultation: this is where we discuss your project, your expectations, aesthetic, …
  • I will prepare a couple of concepts (sketches) for you to choose from. The chosen option will go forward to become the finished piece
  • If applicable, depending on the chosen package, colour study is the next step. Once agreed upon the colour palette, I will finalise the painting.
  • Revisions as per package description.

I am easy to work with, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and discuss potential concerns.

NOTE: Artwork resolution is 1440p by default. If you have any custom requests about that it can definitely be arranged, but please sent me a message before placing an order.

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