Make Professional Power Bi Reports And Dashboards

Delivery Time: 4 days
Service Includes: Multiple Revisions

The exploration of RNA-Seq Examination unveils a unique exploration that presents expression profiles of myriad genes. This methodology confers benefits in the domains of Immune System Study, Tiny Life Forms Investigation, Oncology Science, Transcriptomics, Genomic Exploration, Proteomics, Biotechnological Practices, Molecular Bioscience, Pharmacological Sciences, and Computational Biology.

Our array of offerings encompass:

Retrieving Data from the SRA repository/Personalized RNA-Seq unprocessed reads

Evaluation of the unprocessed reads’ quality (Fastqc)

Trimming substandard reads and adaptors

Aligning the unprocessed reads

Generation of the feature tally matrix

Standardization of the data (RPKM/FPKM/TPM)

Comparative Examination of the Genes.

Gene Catalogs of Augmented and Reduced Regulation


Heat maps (Hierarchical Grouping/K-Means)

Volcano Plot

MA Diagram

UPSet Plot

Scatter Plots

Gene Enrichment Examination

Gene Ontology

Network Examination

Gene Placement distribution

Data Recovery (if required):

SRA Repository

The client must furnish personalized data (if not yet disclosed/uploaded)



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