Illustrate A Line Art Creature For You
What I will do for you:
I am a Masters in art graduate and I will draw a line-art, shaded creature in my style, based on your given description or reference. I will throw in the base sketch in all packages for no additional cost and will show it to you when it is completed so as you can decide upon if you like it. I may also add in some vague background details if asked.
Additionally, I have the rights to publish any associated artwork that I have created wherever I want, though I will not if specified not to. I will also delay uploads if asked.
You receive:
- Sketch
- Monochrome character art
- At least A3 size unless specified otherwise
- Description
- Possible reference images
I will not draw:
- Any copyrighted characters
- Offensive material
- NFT’s
Please feel free to order now.