Fix Html, Css, Javascript Issues
I’m Khoa Nguyen and I specialize in developing robust, secure, and scalable web apps, integrated with various cloud services for heavy lifting.
I’m experienced with:
– Using PHP or Java for developing REST APIs.
– Integrating 3rd party libraries with back-end code.
– Using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Tailwind, and JQuery.
– Using SQL and NoSQL databases.
– Use cloud services (Storage, Compute, Load Balancing) to do the heavy lifting.
Furthermore, I have a great experience using team management tools like Trello as well as source version control systems like GIT.
Other technical skills:
– API Development
– Front-end development
– Database and system design
– Eloquent ORM
– Git, GitHub
I’m an excellent troubleshooter who’s capable of identifying and resolving bugs of different types.