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Delivery Time: 2 days
Service Includes: Multiple Revisions

Everyone’s been telling you to “Focus on your SoP/essay” for grad school and you’re getting scared thinking about how to write it effectively? Believe me, I was where you were in 2016. A year later, I started at Harvard to study data science, after saying no to 6 other universities that gave me an admit. If it is possible for me, it is possible for you and I am here to show you how to create an effective, impactful, targeted, crisp and nice-to-read SoP/essay to make your grad school dreams come true!

I’m a Microsoft Data Scientist with over 9 years of diverse experience in data. As a Harvard graduate in Data Science, I’ve ventured into data across domains like cloud computing, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, telecommunications, and social sciences. With 2 pending patents and multiple research papers, my expertise and experience spans the technical as well as real-world business aspects of data science, AI and ML. I regularly deliver talks and panels on DS, AI, ML, higher education etc., mentor aspiring data scientists and teach data science principles to aspirants.

My Fiverr profile offers you the opportunity to tap into this extensive expertise.



Taylor is very reliable and always delivers high quality content. Thanks you Taylor!

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