Do Time Series Analysis Using Python And R

Delivery Time: 1 day
Service Includes: Multiple Revisions


I will do machine learning, deep learning, and image processing Projects

I will write code for your Artificial Intelligence problems using state-of-the-art deep learning techniques in the following frameworks using Python.

  •   PyTorch
  •  OpenCV
  • TensorFlow   
  •   Keras

Deep Learning models that I use for computer vision problems are YOLO V5, ResNet, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN, Xception, EfficientDet, DeepLabv3+, UNET, RetinaNet, Custom made networks, and much more.

I can handle any project related to these

  • Classification Related Problems
  • AI agents Problem
  • AI Searches Projects
  • Regression Related Problems
  • Clustering Related Problems (KMeans, DBSCAN HDBSCAN Hierarchical Clustering and Others)
  • Data Analysis (Pandas Numpy Others)
  • Data Visualisation ( Matplotlib Seaborn)
  • Dimensionality Reduction ( PCA LDA )
  • RL (Policy, Reward, and Others)
  • Prediction Related Problems

I will provide you with all the Projects with code in Python and Matlab in the following areas:

  • Image Classification
  • Object Recognition and Object Detection
  • Linear Regression Logistic Regression
  • Decision Tree SVM
  • Naive Bayes KNN
  • KMeans
  • Random Fore

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Keep his deadlines and have a lot of knowledge in reviewing reports.

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