Do Regression, Correlation And Time Series Analysis
Are you looking to get acceptance of Investor to Invest in your ongoing business or New startups.
I am here provide you Customized Analysis that may consist of the following based on your requirement:
- One page spreadsheet
- PPT – Slides
- Data Visualization (Charts / Graph)
The analysis will clarify the following queries of your Investor:
- Revenue Analysis
- How profitable your business is. (Profit and Loss Account per Year)
- Profitability per Unit.
- Investor share of profit per Annum.
- Investor share of Cash flow per annum.
- Total Cash flows per Year
- Breakeven Analysis – (Optional)
- In how many years Investment will be recovered (P-ay back period)
- ROI – (Return on Investment) for Investor and in total as well.
- Conclusion – Based on Financial Parameters – Outcome of Analysis.
Please contact me to get the Analysis prepared in an effective and professional way. Share your data before placing order. Before finalization the Draft analysis will be shared with you to recommed necessary changes and will be revised based on your feedback. Unlimited Revision are available.
A zoom meeting can also be conducted to clarify the task, if required.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed.