Do Quantitative Secondary Data, Qualitative ,Thematic, Descriptive Analysis
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This gig is specifically designed towards providing solutions to any problem relating to systematic review.
We have designed 8 step approach to get it done
Step1: Creation of a clarified research Question.
Step2: Transparent Research protocol using PROSPERO following Cochrane Handbook) i.e the study planning. Here we will design Eligibility criteria for inclusion and exclusion criteria
Step3: Study search using topic-related resources or databases. Keywords/Search terms/Search string will be constructed using the research question as a guide and Boolean operator OR, AND, NOT to query the database.
Step4: Screening and study selection will be performed the using PRISMA checklist.
Step5: Data extraction from included studies using a predefined sheet or extraction tools such as RevMan, Distiller SR, EPPI reviewer, etc)
Step6: Quality Assessment/ Study Appraisal of study will be performed to check the strength and weakness of the included studies using either CASP, GRADE, QUADAS, or Newcastle Ottawell approach.
Step7: Synthesis analysis of findings using characteristics table
Step8: We will write up the report
Thorough and accurate quantitative analysis that exceeded expectations.