Do Data Analysis In Python, Sql, Tableau, Powerbi ,Excel
I offer premium and professional consultation and services for your research projects and publications. Specifically, I have hands-on expertise on SPSS and Smart PLS and provide valuable assistance for your understanding.
I am an academician holding a doctorate, considerable research experiences in teaching, and publications in well-reputed journals.
For your ease, I have listed down some of the services (but not limited to) (via using SPSS and Smart PLS)
1. Higher-order Formative or Reflective Model
2. Analysis of Multigroup study
3. Analysis of the comparative study
4. Analysis of the differential study
5. Analysis for correlational and causal & effect-oriented study etc.
6. Mediation and Moderation
7. Parallel and Multigroup Mediation.
1. Preliminary Descriptive Statistics
2. Measurement modeling or CFA
3. Structural modeling
4. First Order constructs
5. Higher-order constructs
6. Reliability analysis
7. validity analysis
8. Blindfolding etc
9. Multi-group analysis
Important: I strongly believe in research ethics and professionalism. Your data will be kept strictly confidential, and I will adhere to time.