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- Please contact me before booking
- If you’d like to include any extras such as community management or business analysis, please let me know
You are just starting out with Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn and need a part-time Social Media Manager and Content Creator? Leave it to me.
– Graduated Media Sciences
– Have been a freelance Social Media Manager for 4 years and counting
– Have had over 90 happy clients
– Developed multiple ad campaigns for influencers and brands alike, most notably for lifestyle and fitness and nutrition coaches, as well as pharmaceutical corporations
– Did over 600 pieces of content in the form of copywriting, graphic design and video-editing, built multiple reports with the help of social-media harvesting applications, developed 6 successful business strategies that helped scale companies
Weekly results chat
FREE introductory chat, where I can find out a bit more about you and where you want to take your business
Business strategy advice for quarterly/bi-quarterly/yearly success
Copyright-free content for campaigns included
Masterfully crafted ads
You name your campaign budget and I set them up