Design Your Brand User Strategy

Delivery Time: 2 days
Service Includes: Multiple Revisions

Facebook Advertiser for 10+ years. Head Copywriter and Senior Media buyer in past Ad Agency positions. Understands sales funnels (clickfunnels, GHL), Customer Awareness levels and Direct Response Adcopy for Ads

Currently manage $1.2 million/month in active ad spend on facebook for 12 different client accounts.

Highest spend account: $550,000 / month

6+ accounts also spending $100,000+ / month

Very Experienced with Coaching and Consulting sales Funnels (VSL, Webinar, Book a Call), Hedge Fund/Investment Lead Gen looking for Accredited Investors, and At Home Service Lead Gen (Roofing, Renovations, Windows, Flooring, Plumbing, Solar)

I have consulted for the last 4 years and am new on Fiverr.

I understand the role that reviews and past customers play on profiles, which is why I have set my price far lower than normal to start in the beginning.

My fee is currently under $100 and will return back to $400+ for consulting packages.

Would love to help your business and optimize facebook ads with you.

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