Come Up With Unique Business Names And Slogans
Brand Name/ Business Name/ Company Name/ Slogan/ Available Domain/ Check for Trademark/ Product Name / App Name
Respected Buyer’s Welcome to my Gig
Officially check Trademark and Domain Availability.
In this gig I will:
Create a list of potential names and slogans for your business.
Whether it’s for a hair salon, a makeup brand, or a photography agency or another business.
And all I need from you is:
- The genre of your business (cosmetics, gaming, etc.)
- I just need a short/ long description of your business so, I can suggest the Brand names or Slogans
- The “vibe” you want your name and slogan to have (family, professional, etc.)
In this gig I can think of:
– Business names
– Brand Names
– Magazine name
– App name
– Product names
– Service names
– Book titles
– Podcast names
– Domain names
– And anything else that needs naming!
Your Business name are going to be Eye-caching, Attractive, Unique, Attention Seeker, Memorable and Meaningful, Short Business name/Long Business name with Domain.
Want me to (Extra service):
- set up and manage your business’s Instagram account?
- create your Instagram account’s posts and stories?
- design posters or flyers for your business?