Be Your Virtual Assistant For Data Entry And Web Research In 24 Hours

Delivery Time: 7 days
Service Includes: Multiple Revisions
Be Your Virtual Assistant For Data Entry And Web Research In 24 Hours Be Your Virtual Assistant For Data Entry And Web Research In 24 Hours Be Your Virtual Assistant For Data Entry And Web Research In 24 Hours

– I will do web accessibility testing for your pdf file WCAG standards.

– Testing compliance of section 508 and ADA.

My Service Includes:

Add Alternate Tag

Empty Text

Broken Links

Foreground & Background Colors

Missing Title

Add Title & Frames

Add Missing Tags

Add Missing Links

Remove Empty Tags

Add Missing Caption

Nested heading issue

Missing labels

Why chose me:

Minimum budget

100% money-back guarantee

100% customer satisfaction

24/7 available for talk



Brought us perfect customer service

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