Be Your Data Analyst

Delivery Time: 10 days
Service Includes: Multiple Revisions
  • Do you want to know if your study has publishable results?
  • Does your observational study show a positive association between your study groups?
  • Does your intervention study have a detectable effect?
  • What are the most appropriate statistical methods for your study?

I will choose the most appropriate statistical methods for your paper, dissertation or thesis and write it down in a manner you can understand.

Keywords you might be interested in:

  • Student’s t-test (paired groups / unpaired groups)
  • Difference in proportions test (unpaired groups)
  • Chi-square test of independence or Fisher’s exact test (unpaired groups)
  • McNemar test of proportions (paired groups)
  • One-way ANOVA + posthoc tests
  • Standardized effect size for means: Cohen’s D
  • Standardized effect size for proportions: Cohen’s h
  • Odds ratios (OR)
  • Risk ratios / Rate ratios (RR)
  • Time-to-event outcomes and Hazard ratios (HR)

Your advisor will be proud of you!

PS: I offer progressive discounts for several services related to the same project (study design and methods, e-CRF, statistical analysis). I offer a full breadth of services here, be sure to check them out!



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