Be Expert In Google Sheets, Excel, Data And Web Analysis, Scripts And Automation

Delivery Time: 2 days
Service Includes: Multiple Revisions

i will do ( R,excel, eviews , spss , stata ,python… ) programming for statistics , econometrics, data science, machine deep learning,simulating,modeling ,forecast and trading bots … i can give your reports including results ,interpretation in english,french and arabic .

-econometrics (simple,multipe regression, ridge, lasso, logistics, probit, mco, glm..)

– time series(ar,ma,var,cointegration,vecm,sarma,varma,ardl..)

– trading and financial time series (arch, garch..)

– panel data ,fixed effects, gmm..

-data analysis:pca,factor, cluster, correspondence analysis,discriminant, canonical correlation,survival,multiple correspondence analysis,mixture, lda,text mining,sentiment analysis..

-monte carlo simulation..

-modeling and optimization:linear, integer, mixed-integer programming,nonlinear, quadratic

programming,network flow,constraint satisfaction,dynamic programming, simulated


– machine learning algorithms :linear regression,decision trees, random forest,svm, naive bayes,knn,gradient boosting, adaboost,neural networks,soms, rbfns,gmm, hmm,transfer


– deep learning algorithms: cnns,rnns,lstms,grus,transformers,vaes,gans,dbms, capsule




Danish was incredible, he took my vaguely outlined idea and turned it into a sheet that works perfectly. He is easy to communicate with and made changes as I refined what I wanted. It was a pleasure working with him and we will be working together again in the future as we need more sheets work done.

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