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Create Input Form Inside The Google Sheets

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I’m a PhD student in the field of social network analysis with 5years experience. I’ve worked on verity of topics like Centrality Measures, Link Prediction, Motifs identification, Community Detection, Team formation, Shortest Path, Influential Nodes, Network Visualization, Power Law distribution, Degree Distribution, Network Sampling, Random Graphs, Weakly and Strongly Connected Components, Local and Global Features etc. Besides, worked on directed, undirected, weighted networks. Along this, I’ve expertise on variety of tools for SNA like R, Igraph, networkx, gephi, NetMiner, UCINET, Pajek, Python etc. Besides, I can do

  • Network Level Measures (diameter, density, clustering coefficient, Betweenness, Closeness, structural properties, Triangles, shortest path, )
  • Node Level Measures (Degree, hop, neighbors, nodes, edges)
  • Social Network Analysis and Visualization

Why I’m Best Fit?

  • Published more than 8 research articles in the field of social network analysis
  • Proposed a new centrality measures namely “SAM Centrality”
  • Proposed a new similarity measures namely “SAM Similarity”
  • Supervised 3 Master and 1 PhD student.



This guy is an absolute genius.

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