Design A Complete Signature Branding Kit And Website Design
Hi There My name is Shabeena!
I would love to work with you, so why choose me so in short
Branding means different things to different people. To some, its about a stylish logo that people instantly recognise. For others, its the personality of a company that comes across in their marketing.
In truth, its a combination of many factors that fit together to create a whole.
I will design a complete signature Branding kit + Wix website.
so lets get started to creating a memorable brand!
Packages description below!
Branding Includes:
Colour Scheme
Social media Icons
Email Signature
Facebook cover
Instagram Highlight Icons
Instagram Post Templates
Business Card Front + Back
Website/Blog Signature
Insta Profile logo
WIX website:
Design Wix Website from scratch
Redesign Wix website
Updating Current site
Wix Ecommerce Store
Responsive layout
Mobile Friendly
Fixing Issues
Speedup / Performance
Malware Removal / site Security
Migrate your site to Wix
Add Custom Features to Your Wix Site
Comprehensive and polished branding kit. Perfect for establishing my brand identity.